Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Time for an update...

It has been 3 weeks since Charlie's endoscopy. We are learning that time gives insight, peace and perspective. A well known fact but one Derek and I are practicing often.

We are so pleased with our team... Allergy in Charlotte, GI in Greenville and our overall team guiding his care at CHOP in Philadelphia. When your child needs specialized care, it is not always in your backyard... But we want the best, so we have found it.

Our 24 hour adventure to Greenville children's for Charlie's procedure was smooth, calm and uneventful which is exactly what we hoped. Thank goodness for Lolly and Pop keeping the most beautiful "normal" for William while we went for Charlie's "tummy Doctor check up."

A Marriott with two adjoining rooms and an indoor pool was perfect for Derek, Charlie and I... And he no doubt enjoyed his only child 24 hours! Lots of attention for this little guy!

Endoscopy highlights:
8 am arrival time was perfect, Charlie tolerated being NPO beautifully, the whole team adores
Him and is very child friendly.

We prepared him for every step... A check up, hospital pajamas, sleepy medicine and wake
Up with mommy and daddy. Thankfully he is sedated prior to his iv being placed... And his pulse ox. The most stressful Part awake Was his name band. He just did NOT want to wear

Recovery was perfect this time. His iv was in his foot and they brought us back immediately. Therefore, as he woke up he saw Derek and I and just wanted
To be held. Perfect. Exactly as it should

Uneventful. Peaceful. Calm.

And the best news of all... 0 eosinophils shown in the multiple biopsies taken.

What does this mean? Our immediate question.
It means that 1. Charlie's Prevacid dose is perfect and 2. His diet is perfect and not causing any allergic response in his esophagus! Prayers answered and amazing news.

So what now?
A food trial and then another endoscopy 8-12 weeks after the last food is introduced to see how he is doing. Our food trial will include sweet potato, oats and some legumes (chickpea, black bean...)
Food introduction is slow but we are just so thankful we don't have to take anything away and we know his current diet is safe. Furthermore, have you seen how cute and healthy he is?! Clearly his diet is doing some great work for him, if only we could grow an avocado tree and a coconut tree!

Thank you for your thoughts, prayers and cheering for mister Charlie!!!!